The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which provides that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the provision of public transit services. To access the District’s Title VI Plan, click here.
For more information on the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District’s civil rights programs, or for information on procedures to file a complaint or obtain information in another language, contact:
1011 Andersen Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901-5318
Phone: 511 (say “Golden Gate Transit”)
Fax: (415) 257-4555
Title VI Complaint Procedure
Any person who believes she or he has been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, including Golden Gate Transit and Golden Gate Ferry, (hereinafter referred to as “the District”) may file a Title VI Complaint by completing and submitting the District’s Title VI Complaint Form. The District investigates complaints received no more than 180 days after an alleged incident.
Once it receives a Title VI Complaint Form, the District will open an investigation into the alleged discrimination. The investigation may include a review of all relevant documents, practices and procedures as well as discussions of the complaint with all affected parties to determine the nature of the problem. The District will investigate complaints within (60) days. If more information is needed to resolve the case, the District may contact the complainant. The complainant must provide additional requested information within fifteen (15) business days of the date of receipt of a request for additional information. If the investigator is not contacted by the complainant or does not receive the additional information within fifteen (15) business days, the District can close the case administratively. A case also can be closed administratively if the complainant no longer wishes to pursue their case.
After the investigator reviews the complaint, she/he will issue one of two letters to the complainant: a closure letter or a letter of finding (LOF). A closure letter summarizes the allegations and states that there was not a Title VI violation and that the case will be closed. A LOF summarizes the allegations and information obtained through the investigation of the alleged discrimination, and explains whether any disciplinary action, additional training of the staff member or other action will occur. If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision, she/he can appeal directly to the United States Department of Transportation, FTA Office of Civil Rights. A person may also file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration, at FTA Office of Civil Rights, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Ways to submit a Title VI Complaint Form:
- Use the online form below.
- Download the Title VI Complaint Form PDF (English) or Title VI Complaint Form PDF in Spanish and fax, email, or deliver it to the District (see below).
- Call the District Customer Service Center at 415-455-2000 (say "Golden Gate Transit") and request a form be mailed to you. Then, fax, email, or deliver it to the District (see below). You may also request that it be translated into another language.
Complaint forms may be mailed, faxed, or personally delivered or emailed to:
- By U.S. Mail:
Title VI Complaints c/o
Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District
EEO Office
1011 Andersen Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901-5318
- By phone: Call 511 (say “Golden Gate Transit”) or 415-455-2000
- By fax: Send to 415-257-4555
- By email: Send to