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Cross-section of a Main Cable

Main Cable Statistics


A cross-section of a main cable of the Golden Gate Bridge is located in the southeast Visitor Area.

Each of the Bridge's two main cables pass over the two 746-foot towers, resting atop the towers in huge steel castings called saddles. Both main cables are secured at both ends in giant anchorages.

  • Diameter of each main cable (including exterior wrapping): 36-3/8" (0/92 m) 
  • Length of each main cable: 7,650 feet (2,332 m)
  • Number of galvanized carbon steel wires in one main cable: 27,572
  • Width of galvanized steel wire: 0.192 inches (4.87 mm)
  • Length of galvanized steel wire in both main cables: 80,000 miles (129,000 km)
  • Number of bundles of galvanized steel wires in each main cable: 61
  • Average number of galvanized steel wires in one bundle: 452
  • Weight of both main cables, suspender cables, and accessories: 24,500 tons (22,200,000 kg)

The galvanized carbon steel wire comprising each main cable was laid by spinning the wire, using a loom-type shuttle that moved back and forth as it laid the wire in place to form the cables. The spinning of the main cable wires was completed in 6 months and 9 days. For more information about the spinning of the main cables and photos, visit our Spinning the Main Cables page

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