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Expressive Activity Permits

The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) Master Ordinance, page 7, Section I.F (also provided below in its entirety), defines an "Expressive Activity" as "verbal, visual, literary, or auditory speech, communication, or conduct that is intended to convey a political, religious, philosophical, or ideological opinion, view, or message that likely would be understood by those who see or hear the speech, communication, or conduct to be such an opinion, view, or message." Further, "Expressive Activity includes, for example, demonstrating, protesting, marching, assembling, rallying, distributing written materials, leafleting, and holding or displaying signs."

Expressive Activity is allowed only in certain public areas of property owned and operated by the District, including Golden Gate Bridge sidewalks and Golden Gate Ferry terminals, and a District-issued permit is required. 

Please use the form below to provide contact information and basic event details to initiate the permit process.

Expressive Activity Submission Form

Fields indicated by * are required. Please enter the start and end date of your EVENT, not the date you are submitting the form. 

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Section I.F of the District's Master Ordinance is provided below in its entirety.


1. Definitions
  a. Expressive Activity. For purposes of this Master Ordinance, “Expressive Activity” means verbal, visual, literary, or auditory speech, communication, or conduct that is intended to convey a political, religious, philosophical, or ideological opinion, view, or message that likely would be understood by those who see or hear the speech, communication, or conduct to be such an opinion, view, or message. Expressive Activity includes, for example, demonstrating, protesting, marching, assembling, rallying, distributing written materials, leafleting, and holding or displaying signs.
  b. District Property. For purposes of this Master Ordinance, “District Property” means property owned, controlled, or leased by the District.
2. Rules and Regulations: The District authorizes the General Manager, or designee, to develop and implement rules and regulations as necessary to effectuate the goals of this ordinance.
3. Locations Where Expressive Activity is Prohibited and Permitted.
  a. Expressive Activity Prohibited in Specified Areas. No person shall conduct or participate in Expressive Activity in or on any of the following areas of District Property: (i) on any bus or ferry; (ii) inside the paid passenger waiting areas of the Larkspur and San Francisco Ferry Terminals; (iii) on the Golden Gate Bridge, including the approaches, Toll Plaza, and roadways, except as shown on Exhibit A(1); (iv) on roadways or rights of way at other facilities owned or, controlled by the District; (v) on the sidewalks immediately adjacent to the Toll Plaza; (vi) on the bike paths, disability access ramps leading to the Bridge from the West, exhibit areas and building entrances as detailed in Section I.F.10(a) and on Exhibit A(2); or, (vii) in or on workshops, offices, maintenance facilities, storage areas, garages, or parking lots, except as provided in Section I.F.3(b).
  b. Expressive Activity Permitted in Certain Areas. Expressive Activity may be conducted in or on any of the following public areas of District Property only after the participants first obtain a permit issued by the District, except as provided in Section I.F.4: (i) designated public areas of bus or ferry facilities (Exhibits A(3)-(7)); (ii) the sidewalks on the Bridge as depicted in Exhibit A(1) (“Bridge Sidewalks”); (iii) designated public areas on property located near the Bridge, including the new Plaza Area (Exhibit A(2)); and, (iv) certain designated areas in specific parking lots on weekends and holidays.
  c. Maps of Designated Areas. The areas where Expressive Activity is permitted and prohibited on District Property are designated on the maps attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A(1)-(7). Expressive Activities are only allowed in the areas colored green on the maps, while Expressive Activities are prohibited in the uncolored areas.
4. Exceptions to Permit Requirement.
  a. An exception to the permit requirement is allowed for Expressive Activity that is on: (i) Bridge Sidewalks or on other designated public areas near the Bridge that are depicted on Exhibit A(1), which involves less than 50 participants; (ii) the Plaza Area, the Flagpole Area, and areas south and west of the Administration Building, and other areas where expressive activities are permitted (Exhibit A(2)), which involves less than 50 participants; (iii) designated property of the Larkspur or San Francisco Ferry Terminals that is depicted on Exhibit A(3) and A(4), which involves less than 50 participants; or, (iv) San Rafael Transit Center property, as designated on Exhibit A(7), which involves less than three people. All participants engaging in Expressive Activity must comply with all the regulations set forth in General Regulation Section, I.F.8, and either the: (1) Special Provisions for Expressive Activity Permitted on Bridge Sidewalks, Flagpole Area, and areas south and west of the Administration Building, I.F.9; (2) Special Provisions for Expressive Activity Permitted at the Bridge Plaza Area and Adjacent Area, I.F.10; or, (3) Special Provisions for Expressive Activity Permitted at Transit Facilities, I.F.11, depending on where the activity occurs. This exception from the permit requirement does not apply to Expressive Activity on District property when the property is closed to the public because no Expressive Activity is allowed on any District property when such property is closed to the public.
  b. Expressive Activity in all other public areas on District Property requires a permit issued by the District.
  c. Only one Expressive Activity is allowed in the same physical space at the same time. Expressive Activity for which a permit has been issued by the District will take precedence over Expressive Activity for which a permit has not been issued. The General Manager, or designee, is authorized specifically to develop and implement rules and regulations for handling situations when more than one group desires to engage in Expressive Activity at the same location at the same time and when a permit is not required.
5. Permit Application Process. The following procedure applies to all Expressive Activity that requires a permit:
  a. Requests for Expressive Activity permits for 50 to 150 participants must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the date and time the proposed Expressive Activity will take place, except at the San Rafael Transit Center where the limit is three or more participants. Requests for Expressive Activity permits for 151 to 500 participates must be submitted at least three (3) business days prior to the date the proposed Expressive Activity will take place. Requests for Expressive Activity permits for more than 500 participants must be submitted at least four (4) business days prior to the date the proposed Expressive Activity will take place. Applicants are encouraged to request a permit for Expressive Activity with as much advance notice prior to the activity as feasible but no more than eighteen months prior to the date of the proposed Expressive Activity.
  b. Requests for Expressive Activity permits must be submitted in writing and delivered to the following locations:
    i. for Expressive Activities on Bridge Sidewalks and other designated areas on Exhibits A(1) and A(2): in person to the District's Bridge address at the Toll Plaza San Francisco, California, or by electronic mail (email) to an address designated by the District on its website;
    ii. for Expressive Activities at the Larkspur or San Francisco Ferry Terminals (Exhibits A(3) and A(4)): in person at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal Administration Office when the office is open for business, or by an email address designated by the District on its website;
    iii. for Expressive Activities at the San Rafael Transit Center or Santa Rosa Bus Facility (Exhibits A(5), A(6) and A(7)): in person at the San Rafael Administration Building when the office is open for business, or by an email address designated by the District on its website;
  c. If the written request is delivered in person, notice is deemed received upon receipt. If the written request is made by email, notice is deemed received when the email was sent, provided it was sent on business days between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If the email was sent outside of business hours, the permit is deemed received at 7:00 a.m. on the next business day. Business days for purposes of this section means Monday through Friday, excluding all holidays recognized by the State of California.
  d. Requests for Expressive Activity permits must provide the following information: (i) the name, address and telephone number of the person or organization proposing to conduct the Expressive Activity; (ii) the purpose or subject of the proposed activity; (iii) the date, time and location of the proposed activity; (iv) the approximate number of persons who will participate in the proposed activity; (v) the duration of the proposed activity; (vi) if the Expressive Activity will involve signs or props (as defined in Section I.F.9), the number, size, and nature of the signs or props; and, (vii) other information to enable the District to coordinate with the applicant and manage the Expressive Activity to ensure the free flow of vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic, and the safety and security of all who use District Property. All information submitted must be true and correct.
  e. Regulatory Review. The Expressive Activity permit applicant is required to obtain any regulatory reviews, approvals or permits that may be required, including but not limited to permit or approval from the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). Events that are located within 100 feet of the shoreline of the Bay are located within BCDC jurisdiction and will require at least a 45 day advance notice for processing for the required permit. The General Manager, or designee, will assist event sponsors in identifying if a BCDC permit is required and will advise on the process for obtaining a permit. However, if BCDC requires that an Expressive Activity meet specified conditions, it is the sole responsibility of the Expressive Activity permit applicant to comply with those conditions.
  f. If the Expressive Activity permit applicant also intends to capture or record any images (still photography or video footage) for any form of commercial use, a separate filming or photography permit is required pursuant to Section H of this Master Ordinance.
6. Review of Permit Applications.
  a. For a permit that has been submitted for 50 to 150 participants, or in the case of the San Rafael Transit Center , three or more participants, the General Manager, or designee, shall respond to the permit request no later than 24 hours before the proposed Expressive Activity is to commence, subject to the provisions of this section. For a permit that has been submitted for 151 or more participants, the General Manager, or designee, shall respond to the permit request no later than 48 hours before the proposed Expressive Activity is to commence, subject to the provisions in this section. Permits shall be granted only if the request complies with the requirements of Section I.F.5 above, and provided that there is not a previously scheduled event for the use of the District Property on the same date and time, and further provided that there is not an overriding unique safety or security concern that warrants the denial and cancellation of all permits during that time period, such as a heightened security level.
  b. The District requires at least 60 minutes between the scheduled completion of one permitted event and the scheduled commencement of the second permitted event on any one day.
  c. A permit will be granted for one date only, except at the Bridge Plaza Area. A person or organization requesting an Expressive Activity permit may not hold multiple permits for future Expressive Activities. The District will grant only one Expressive Activity permit at a time to a particular person or organization, and that person or organization may not request another Expressive Activity permit until after the completion of the Expressive Activity for which a permit has been granted.
  d. The General Manager, or designee, may impose conditions upon the permit necessary to avoid injury to persons or property or to assure the safe and orderly use of District Property. Such conditions may include but are not limited to: (i) limitations on the number of persons who may participate in the proposed activity; (ii) specifications of the time and duration of such activity; and, (iii) the manner in which the activity is conducted.
  e. The person signing the permit must be present at all times during the Expressive Activity and must inform the District’s Security Office of his or her arrival on District Property before the commencement of the Expressive Activity.
7. Hours When Expressive Activity is Permitted.
  a. Permits for Expressive Activity on the Bridge Sidewalks and in the Flagpole area will be issued for Expressive Activities scheduled to occur when the Bridge Sidewalks are open to pedestrians subject to the following limitations: (i) permits will be issued on weekdays only from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.; and, (ii) on weekends and holidays only from the time the Bridge Sidewalks are open to pedestrians until 3:00 p.m.
  b. Permits for Expressive Activity on the Bridge Sidewalks or on the designated public areas on property located near the Bridge including the Flagpole area will be issued for Expressive Activities that are scheduled to occur only from the time the Bridge Sidewalks are open to pedestrians until 11:00 a.m. on following days: (i) Memorial Day and the Saturday and Sunday preceding it; (ii) Independence Day and the adjacent weekend days if Independence Day is on a Friday or Monday; (iii) Labor Day and the Saturday and Sunday preceding it; and, (iv) New Year’s Day.
  c. Permits for Expressive Activity at the Plaza Area and the sidewalk areas to the south and west of the Administration Building will be issued for Expressive Activities that are scheduled to occur during visitor hours, which are the hours when the Bridge Sidewalks are open to the public. Expressive Activities are prohibited in these areas during the hours that Bridge Sidewalks are closed to the public.
  d. Permits for Expressive Activity at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal and San Francisco Ferry Terminal will be issued for Expressive Activities that are scheduled to occur when the terminals are open for operation, subject to the following limitations: (i) permits will be issued for use of the areas of the Larkspur Ferry Terminal parking lot designated on Exhibit A(4) only on weekends and when the parking lots are not being used for events that it is the District's Ferry Division's business to serve; and (ii) for the San Francisco Ferry Terminal (Exhibit A(3)), no person may engage in Expressive Activity on the plaza level around the ferry terminal on Saturdays between 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. during the farmer’s market.
  e. Permits for Expressive Activity at the San Rafael Transit Center will be issued for Expressive Activities that are scheduled to occur when the terminal is open for operation, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily. (Exhibit A(7)).
  f. Expressive activity that does not require a permit pursuant to Section I.F.4 is permissible when District Property is open to the public, or in the case of the Bridge Sidewalks and the Plaza Area, when the sidewalks are open to pedestrian use as provided in the Master Ordinance.
8. General Provisions for Expressive Activity on All District Property. Expressive Activity on all District Property, whether or not a permit is required, must comply with these General Provisions:
  a. No person may: (i) interfere with or disrupt the ability of District passengers, employees or contractors from conducting District business; or, (ii) harass, threaten, or coerce any person.
  b. No person may disrupt willfully or obstruct vehicular or vessel traffic on or near District Property, or interfere willfully with pedestrian or bicycle traffic on District Property, including but not limited to sidewalks, pathways, and parking lots.
  c. No person may interfere with or disrupt any person from entering, exiting or accessing any transit terminal, vehicle or vessel, ticketing area, sidewalk or pathway, passenger waiting area, tenant facilities, stores, or passenger service areas or amenities.
  d. No person may engage in Expressive Activity if the national security level rises above “yellow” or “MARSEC Level 1” (significant risk of terror attack), or if any similar federal, state or local security alert is issued.
  e. Omitted.
  f. No person may attach anything to any District Property.
  g. No person may solicit or demand gifts, money, goods or services, nor engage in commercial activity, on District Property.
  h. No person may carry an object that is a weapon, or that looks like and reasonably could be confused with a weapon, including but not limited to firearms, knives, and clubs, on District Property, except for peace officers, military personnel, and other law enforcement officers as expressly authorized by law.
  i. All persons engaging in Expressive Activity must remove all materials, supplies, signs, props, pamphlets, trash, debris, and all other items brought onto District Property, and must clean up all areas where the Expressive Activity took place.
  j. Stages, tables, platforms and structures, including but not limited to tents, shade structures, and stationary umbrellas, may not be erected on District property.
  k. The District or any law enforcement agency may stop an Expressive Activity at any time to prevent injury or damage to persons or property, or to prevent the willful interference with the free flow of vehicular, vessel bicycle, or pedestrian traffic.
  l. The General Manager, or designee, has the authority to temporarily stop or prohibit any Expressive Activity in unusual circumstances, such as threats to safety and security.
9. Special Provisions for Expressive Activity Permitted on the Bridge Sidewalks, the Flagpole Area, and Designated Areas to the South and West of the Administration Building. Because of the unique characteristics of the Bridge as determined in the findings to this Ordinance No. 2012-03, the time, place, and manner regulations established for Expressive Activity on the Bridge Sidewalks (Exhibit A(1)), the Flagpole Area (Exhibit A(2)), and the designated areas to the south and west of the Administration Building (Exhibit A(2)), require additional limitations, as set forth below. Expressive Activity may be conducted in these areas only after the participants first obtain a permit issued by the District, except as provided by Section I.F.4(a). All Expressive Activity on Bridge Sidewalks, the Flagpole Area, and designated areas to the south and west of the Administration Building, must comply with the General Regulations established in Section I.F.8, in addition to the following Special Regulations. These Special Regulations also apply to the extended sidewalk area just north of Roundhouse adjacent to the bridge roadway.
  a. All persons must walk on the Bridge Sidewalks and other sidewalk areas in a safe and orderly manner and remain on these sidewalks at all times. No person will hold any object over any portion of the vehicular roadway or over the railing of the Bridge Sidewalks, or break the vertical planes created by the public safety railing.
  b. No more than two (2) bull horns or sound amplification devices are allowed on the Bridge Sidewalks and other sidewalk areas for groups with less than 50 participants. No more than four (4) bull horns or sound amplification devices are allowed on the Bridge Sidewalks or other sidewalk areas for groups with 50 to 150 participants. No more than six (6) bull horns or sound amplification devices are allowed on the Bridge Sidewalks or other sidewalk areas for groups with 151 to 500 participants. No more than eight (8) bull horns or sound amplification devices are allowed on the Bridge Sidewalks or other sidewalk areas for groups with more than 500 participants. No sound amplification devices are permitted in the Flagpole Area.
  c. For purposes of this ordinance, the term “Sign” includes signs, flags, and banners, and the term “Prop” includes any device, display, or item that is used to direct or attract attention to the object or to a person, or any other item that is intended to convey a political, religious, philosophical, or ideological message, such as boxes, drums, tambourines, musical instruments, paper mache puppets, cardboard cutouts, and similar items. A Sign or Prop is considered to be one "Item." No more than 50 Items are allowed on the Bridge Sidewalks, the Flagpole Area, and designated areas south and west of the Administration Building, for groups with less than 50 participants, and no more than one Item is allowed per participant, except that 1 participant may hold two items for short periods of time, not to exceed 15 minutes. An additional 20 Items, for a total of no more than 70 Items, are allowed in these areas for groups with 50 to 150 participants. An additional 10 Items per each additional 25 participants are allowed in these areas for groups with 151 or more.
  d. No two dimensional Item may be larger than 3 feet x 2 feet. No three dimensional Item may be larger than a combined length, height, depth of sixty (60) inches (e.g. 24 inches x 24 inches x 12 inches) or larger than a sixty (60) inch circumference. No Item, regardless of size, will be held by more than one person. Each Item must be able to be safely and securely held or worn by one person for the entire duration of the Expressive Activity. Any pole, stick or other device attached to or used to mount an Item, may not be sharpened or made of metal. Any pole, stick or other device attached to or used to mount an Item may not extend more than three (3) feet beyond the Item.
  e. For Expressive Activity involving more than 100 participants, participants must walk in one or side-by-side in two single file lines at all times on the Bridge Sidewalks.
  f. Permitted expressive activity on the Bridge Sidewalks may not exceed two hours in duration. Expressive activity that does not require a permit on Bridge Sidewalks may not exceed two hours in duration, unless, at the conclusion of the two hours, the person(s) engaging in such activity is/are generally mobile, changing physical locations and exercising care not to block the ability of others to use the sidewalk for these or other purposes.
10. Special Provisions for Expressive Activity Permitted at Bridge Plaza Area. Because of the unique characteristics of the Plaza Area as determined in the findings to this Ordinance No. 2012-03, the time, place, and manner regulations established for Expressive Activity on the Plaza Area require additional limitations, as set forth below. Expressive Activity may be conducted in the Plaza Area only after the participants first obtain a permit issued by the District, except as provided by Section I.F.4(a). All Expressive Activity on the Plaza Area must comply with the General Regulations established in Section I.F.8, in addition to the following Special Regulations:
  a. Expressive Activity is permitted on the areas designated on Exhibit A(2), which includes the central Plaza Area and areas near the flagpole, although the areas near the flagpole are governed by those Special Regulations pertaining the Bridge Sidewalks in Section I.F.9., above. Expressive Activity is not permitted: (i) on the bike ways and accessibility pathways leading to the Bridge; (ii) near the entrances of the Pavilion, Café and Roundhouse building or sidewalks near the parking area; (iii) in the exhibit area behind the Strauss Statute and viewing area with the cable exhibit behind the Pavilion; and, (iv) in the 10-foot wide area surrounding the perimeter of the Plaza Area.
  b. No more than 250 persons are permitted to conduct expressive activities on the Designated Area for the central Plaza Area at any one time to ensure that this area does not become overcrowded given that those engaged in expressive activities may have signs or props. This central Plaza Area is described as follows: its southern-most boundary is set back 51' from the roadway curb bordering the East Parking lot. It is generally described as the area containing beige paving stones. The periphery of this area, generally containing gray paving stones, is 6' wide. This area and another 4' of the area periphery will be kept clear to allow users of District property to view the various exhibits and move about District property.
  c. Permits may be issued for a maximum of seven (7) consecutive days. A permit may be extended for up to 7 days for expressive events in this area, but a new application must be submitted for each extension requested. The extension may be denied if another applicant has requested use of the same location and the location cannot reasonably accommodate multiple occupancy.
  d. Items, as defined in Section I.F.9(c) and I.F.9(d) are prohibited except as follows: Items may not be larger than four (4) by six (6) feet and one-quarter (1/4) inch in thickness, provided that no individual may have more than one sign in the Plaza Area at any one time, and provided further that such Signs and Props must be attended at all times (the term "attended" is defined as an individual being within three (3) feet of his or her Sign or Prop), and provided further that such Items may not be elevated in a manner so as to exceed a height of six (10) feet above the ground at its highest point, and may not be arranged or combined in a manner so as to exceed the size limitations set forth in this paragraph, and may not be arranged in such a fashion as to form an enclosure of two (2) or more sides. For example, under this provision, two four-feet by six-feet Items may not be combined so as to create a Sign or Prop eight feet by twelve feet, and two or more Signs or Props of any size may not be leaned or otherwise placed together so as to form an enclosure of two or more sides, etc.
  e. When more than one unpermitted group seeks to use the same designated area at the same time, and the area cannot reasonably accommodate multiple occupancy, the General Manager, or his or her designee, will, whenever possible, direct the later-arriving group to relocate to another nearby and available Designated Area.
  f. Sound amplification is not allowed in Plaza Area.
11. Special Provisions for Expressive Activity Permitted at Transit Facilities. Because of unique characteristics of the District’s transit facilities, the time, place and manner provisions established for Expressive Activity at the transit facilities require additional limitations as set forth below. All Expressive Activity at the District’s transit facilities must comply with the General Regulations established in Section I.F.8, in addition to the following Special Provisions specific to each transit facility:
  a. Stephan C. Leonoudakis Ferry Terminal in San Francisco. The provisions pertaining to signs and props for Expressive Activity on the Bridge Sidewalks established in Section I.F.9(c) apply to all Expressive Activity in the public area on the second level of the Ferry Terminal (Exhibit A(3)), except that signs at this location Items may have dimensions up to four (4) by six (6) feet and one-quarter (1/4) inch in thickness, provided that no individual may have more than one sign in this area, and provided further that Signs must be attended at all times (the term "attended" is defined as an individual being within three (3) feet of his or her Sign or Prop), and may not be affixed to property.
  b. Larkspur Ferry Terminal
    i. No person who is engaging in Expressive Activity at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal (as shown in Exhibit A(4)) may park in the Larkspur Ferry Terminal parking lot Monday through Friday, excluding holidays recognized by the State of California, before 4:00 p.m. on days when the District is not providing ferry service to the San Francisco Giants Ball Park, or before 7:00 p.m. on days when the District is providing ferry service to the San Francisco Giants Ball Park.
    ii. The provisions pertaining to signs and props for Expressive Activity on the Bridge Sidewalks established in Section I.F.9(c) apply to all Expressive Activity that takes place in the approximate ten (10) foot wide area of the Larkspur Ferry Terminal parking lot that is parallel and adjacent to Sir Francis Drake Boulevard.
  c. Santa Rosa Bus Facility
    i. No more than three (3) people may engage in Expressive Activity in the designated area in the passenger waiting area inside the administration building at the Santa Rosa Bus Facility (“Inside Area”), as shown in Exhibit A(5).
    ii. The provisions pertaining to the size and manner of carrying signs and props for Expressive Activity on the Bridge Sidewalks established in Section I.F.8(c) will apply to all Expressive Activity that takes place in the Inside Area and the total number of signs and props is limited to the number of people engaging in Expressive Activity.
    iii. No person may use any sound amplification device or play any musical instrument in the Inside Area.
  d. San Rafael Transit Center
    i. No person may carry or use bullhorns or sound amplification devices at the San Rafael Transit Center.
    ii. The provisions pertaining to the size and manner of carrying signs and props for Expressive Activity on the Bridge Sidewalks established in Section I.F.9(c) will apply to all Expressive Activity that takes place at the San Rafael Transit Center.

During high traffic periods (which is defined as 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. seven days a week), the following provisions for Expressive Activity apply on each of the four (4) bus boarding platforms, as shown in Exhibit A(7):

  • Platforms A and B - No more than 6 people per platform may engage
    in Expressive Activity and each person may carry a sign or prop.
  • Platform C - No more than 3 people may engage in Expressive Activity and no person may carry a sign or prop.
  • Platform D - No more than 6 people may engage in Expressive Activity and each person may carry a sign or prop.
  • Platform D Inside Terminal Building - No more than 3 people may engage in Expressive Activity and no person may carry a sign or
    iv. During all other periods when the center is open (which are all times other than high traffic periods as defined above), the maximum number of people who may engage in Expressive Activity on Platforms A, B, and the outside portion of Platform D is increased to 12 people per those three platforms and each person may carry a sign or prop. In addition, one (1) table no larger than 3 feet x 6 feet may be used in a location designated by the District based on the volume of traffic during the time requested.
12. Violations of Permit for Expressive Activity or Failure to Comply with the Requirements of Section I.F of the Master Ordinance. If a permittee violates the conditions of his, her or its permit, the District may revoke the permit. Multiple permit revocations shall subject the violating permittee to a possible bar from obtaining District permits for a specified time period, subject to a right of administrative appeal.
  a. The General Manager, or designee, may promulgate rules and/ or regulations regarding the circumstances and conditions under which an individual or group engaged in the violation will be barred from obtaining future permits for a specified period of time. The General Manager, or designee, shall also include rules and regulations regarding conditions or prohibitions on obtaining expressive activities permits where the violations occurred when an individual or group did not have a permit. The rules and regulations on violations includes a process for an administrative appeal of any decision to bar an individual or group from obtaining future permits.
  b. Any person who is involved in a violation will be subject to the sanctions and penalties of all applicable ordinances and statutes, including but not limited to California Streets and Highways Code sections 27174.1, 27174.2, and 27176.
  A1 Golden Gate Bridge Sidewalks (PDF)
  A2 Golden Gate Bridge Plaza Areas (PDF)
  A3 Golden Gate San Francisco Ferry Terminal (PDF)
  A4 Golden Gate Larkspur Ferry Terminal (PDF)
  A5 Golden Gate Transit Santa Rosa Bus Facility (PDF)
  A6 Golden Gate Transit San Rafael Bus Yard (PDF)
  A7 Golden Gate Transit San Rafael Transit Center (PDF)
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