Service Alerts!
Service Alerts!


All Aboard Transit

all_aboard_headerGolden Gate Transit & Golden Gate Ferry 
are here to safely reconnect you with the people and places you love! 



We have been busy making improvements to our service, facilities,
and customer resources to better serve you when you ride -

> New & Improved Weekday Schedules
> Convenient Weekend Ferry Trips
>Ferry Service to all Giants Home Games
> Sail & Rail Promotional Fares

> Regular Disinfecting of Buses & Ferries to Keep you Safe
>HVAC System Filters 
> Refurbished Ferry Vessels & Terminal Improvements
> Real-Time Departure & Arrival Info




New & Improved Schedules

Golden Gate Transit & Golden Gate Ferry have increased the frequency and efficiency of weekday commute service and weekend trips in an effort to meet our riders' needs. 

 >View Current Bus Schedules
>View Current Ferry Schedules
>Preview New Bus Schedules Effective 9/12/21


Convenient Weekend Ferry Trips

Golden Gate Ferry now offers regular weekend service between San Francisco and the North Bay. Weekend ferry service is available to/from San Francisco, Larkspur, and Sausalito on Saturdays and Sundays.

>View Weekend Schedules 
(Select "Saturday/Sunday/Holiday"
from the drop-down menu of your preferred route)

Ferry Service to all Giants Home Games

Service to all Giants Home Games are now on sale. The fare for the Giants special event service is $15.00 each way, per person. Children 4 and under ride free but need to be registered in advance when purchasing tickets.  Post season schedules will be available soon!

>View Giants Game Ferry Schedule Here

Sail & Rail Promotional Fare

Now through September 30, 2021, Golden Gate Ferry & SMART Train are offering seasonal Sail & Rail $12 fare tickets again this year. Take the SMART Train from Sonoma County to Larkspur where you can transfer to Golden Gate Ferry and sail into the San Francisco Ferry Terminal. Or take a day trip from San Francisco up to beautiful Sonoma County. Sail & Rail fares are honored on ALL Golden Gate Ferry and SMART train trips with no restrictions! Please check schedules carefully to find connections that work for you! The Sail & Rail ticket is only available through the SMART mobile payment app

>Ferry Schedule
>SMART Schedule



Disinfecting & Cleaning

Your safety continues to be our priority. We keep our buses and ferries clean and disinfected for your arrival! This includes ticket machines, hand rails, and anything the public touches.

>Watch cleaning video

HVAC System Filters

Interior air on our buses is completely exchanged every 4-8 minutes through the HVAC system that filters air. 

Contactless Payment Options

Clipper is the all-in-one transit card used for contactless fare payments. Use Clipper Card or download the Clipper app to pay with your phone for contactless payment on Golden Gate Bus of Ferry! 

Masks Required to Ride

Golden Gate Transit & Ferry comply with federal guidelines that require all passengers wear a mask while on board. Masks should also be worn in the terminals and while boarding ferries. We appreciate your cooperation!

Refurbished Ferry Vessels 

Passenger improvements on the M.S. Sonoma include new seats, carpeting, ceilings, paint, and reduced engine noise, plus an elevator and a bicycle escalator. On the operating side, the Sonoma has new, cleaner engines, state-of-the-art electronics and navigation systems, and improved efficiency and reliability. This work on the Sonoma is part of the District's planned ferry maintenance work and marks the last of three planned overhauls for District mono-hull vessels.

Take advantage of FREE parking all weekend, and on weekdays after 1PM at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal. 

Real-Time Arrival & Departure Info

For real-time departure and arrival times, download Transit app.. Real-time crowding info coming soon!

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