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Doing Business

Procurement Department

The Procurement Department facilitates the purchase of supplies, equipment and services in support of the essential operations for the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District.  We strive to maximize the value of every expenditure while operating under the principles of integrity and open competition.

nigp       Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award Winner

In 1995, the National Procurement Institute, Inc. (NPI) established a program designed to recognize organizational excellence in public procurement.  The Achievement of Excellence in Procurement® (AEP) is awarded annually.  This prestigious award is earned by those organizations that demonstrate excellence by obtaining a high score based on standardized criteria.  The criteria are designed to measure innovation, professionalism, productivity, e-procurement, and leadership attributes of the procurement organization. The GGBHTD Procurement Department is a proud recipient of the 29th Annual award.

The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) is dedicated to ensuring full and open competition and equitable treatment of all potential bidders/proposers. It is the policy of the District to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of all contracts and to create a level playing field on which all businesses can compete fairly for contracts and subcontracts relating to the District's construction, procurement, and professional services activities.

Doing Business Guide Procurement Ethics Procurement Ordinance

Diversity Program for Contracts

For more information on the District's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals, information for small businesses, contracting newsletters, upcoming buyers forums, etc., please visit our Diversity Program for Contracts page.

Diversity Program for Contracts

Surplus Auctions

The District disposes of un-needed surplus property through an online auction provider, Public Surplus. To view and bid on surplus property, please visit our page below.  Additional items may be auctioned via First Capitol Auction.

Golden Gate Surplus Auctions    

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