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Sausalito Ferry Terminal Improvements Project

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Project Overview

Sausalito Ferry Terminal Improvements Project

The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) proposes to replace the existing Sausalito Ferry Terminal passenger boarding system with a new boarding system. The new boarding system will improve operations by providing a wider, modern facility with improved slopes on the gangway and float platforms for easier boarding and unloading of all passengers, including bicyclists and disabled users, during all tide conditions. The capacity of the Golden Gate Sausalito Ferry Terminal would be unaffected. No new ferry service or routes are included in the project.

The District owns and operates the ferry terminal on property leased from the City of Sausalito. The project site—the area around the ferry terminal—lies east of the intersection of Bridgeway and Anchor Street. The site is accessible from Bridgeway with connections through Anchor Street, Tracy Way, and Humboldt Avenue.

What has the Process been with the City of Sausalito and its Residents?

  • In 2008, the District introduced the project to the City Council and has provided periodic updates. 
  • In 2012, the District completed the project’s environmental studies and filed the final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND).
  • Between December 2014 and June 2015, the District voluntarily participated in a public process in which the facilities replacement design was reviewed by Sausalito’s Historical Landmarks Board, Planning Commission, and City Council.
  • Between June 2015 and November 2015, the District participated in three workshops with Sausalito’s Mayor, Vice Mayor and residents. The current design includes the design changes resulting from these workshops. 
  • In March 2016, the District participated in two Sausalito Historic Landmarks Board and Planning Commission public meetings where the current proposed design was reviewed. 
  • The District has continued to answer the City's questions regarding the design as the District waits for the City Council's resolution of the current proposed design.
  • In July 2017, the City of Sausalito and the District issued a joint press release regarding a memorandum of understanding to stay the parties' pending litigation. Read the joint press release.

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