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Golden Gate Transit – Amalgamated Retirement Plan (GGTARP) Board 


All qualified District Bus Operators are eligible to participate in the Golden Gate Transit Amalgamated Retirement Plan (GGTARP), which is governed by an independent Retirement Board. 


Retirement Board Members:  

District Trustees: James Mastin, Dennis Rodoni, Chris Snyder 

Union Trustees: Kimmiko Joseph, David Herrera and Shane Weinstein 


The GGTARP Board meetings are held quarterly and are subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.  The GGTARP Board establishes the pension benefits provided under the Plan, and oversees the administration of the Plan and investment of Plan assets.  Copies of Plan documents can be requested in writing from the GGTARP Administrator at: Golden Gate Transit - Amalgamated Retirement Plan, c/o Zenith Administrators, 1141 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94502. 

GGTARP Board meeting information and documents as provided to the District by the GGTARP Administrator are available below. 


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these documents are those of the GGTARP Board and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the District. 


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