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Board Committees

Board of Directors 

The Board of Directors meets monthly at 10:00 a.m., in the Board Room of the Administration Building at the Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza in San Francisco, California. In each calendar year, the Board may hold one or more regular meetings in each of the other five counties of the District. All meetings are subject to change - please consult the Board Calendar for the meeting information.

Transportation Committee

Members: Chair Hill; Vice-Chair Mastin; Directors Hernández, Moulton-Peters, Rabbitt, Rodoni, and Thier; President Cochran (Ex Officio)

The Transportation Committee:

  • Reviews and oversees all matters affecting the Bridge traffic and bus and ferry transit systems, including transit equipment, routes and services.

Building and Operating Committee

Members: Chair Garbarino; Vice-Chair Rodoni; Directors Conroy, Giudice, Mastin, Pahre, and Rabbitt; President Cochran (Ex Officio)

The Building and Operating Committee:

  • Reviews and oversees the planning, design and construction programs for Bridge and transit facility capital improvement projects; and
  • Reviews and oversees Bridge and transit facility maintenance, repair and research projects.

Finance-Auditing Committee

Members: Chair Rabbitt; Vice-Chair Pahre; Directors Dorsey, Giudice, Hernández, Mastin and Rodoni; President Cochran (Ex Officio)

The Finance-Auditing Committee:

  • Reviews all fiscal matters, including revenues, expenditures, investments, and all other related fiscal matters;
  • Reviews and monitors the annual operating and capital budget;

Rules, Policy and Industrial Relations Committee

Members: Chair Hernández; Vice-Chair Moulton-Peters; Directors Conroy, Garbarino, Grosboll, Hill, Pahre and Thier; President Cochran (Ex Officio)

The Rules, Policy and Industrial Relations Committee:

  • Reviews and updates the Rules of the Board, Human Resources Guide and Procurement Manual; 
  • Reviews, develops and oversees personnel policies and employer-employee relations; and 
  • Reviews and oversees the Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs.

Governmental Affairs and Public Information Committee

Members: Chair Snyder; Vice-Chair Giudice; Directors Dorsey, Garbarino, Hill, Rabbitt, and Rodoni; President Cochran (Ex Officio)

The Governmental Affairs and Public Information Committee:

  • Reviews and evaluates all federal, state and local legislation affecting the District's operations; and 
  • Reviews and develops programs and procedures for public information, press relations, marketing, advertising and community participation.

Special Workshops

As part of its community outreach, the District periodically hosts special workshops to provide additional information or education on potential impacts to transit services and Bridge operations. Details on special workshops will be listed in the Board Calendar.

Public Hearings

Public hearings are called by the Board of Directors to consider public comment on a variety of matters, including implementing a toll adjustment; considering a new fare; raising an existing fare; and implementing a major reduction in service.

According to District policy, a notice of the time and place of the meeting will be issued and will include a general, brief explanation of the matter to be considered. The notice shall also state where and when the staff report or other information about the subject of the hearing will be available for public review. Public hearing information is also available in the Board Calendar.

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