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District Top Img-1


The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District's (District) nineteen member Board of Directors sets policy for the District. To assist the Board in implementing policy, there are five Officers of the District, four Deputy General Managers, and various department heads.

Officers of the District

General Manager Secretary of the District Auditor-Controller District Engineer Attorney
Denis J. Mulligan Amorette M. Ko-Wong Jennifer Mennucci John R. Eberle Kimon Manolius

Deputy General Managers

Deputy General Manager,
Bridge Division
Deputy General Manager,
Bus Division
Deputy General Manager,
Ferry Division
Deputy General Manager,
Administration and Development
David Rivera Les Belton Michael Hoffman Kellee J. Hopper

Past Officers of the District

Past Chief Engineers & District Engineers

  1. Joseph B. Strauss, Chief Engineer, August 1929 to October 1937
  2. Russell G. Cone, Resident Engineer, February 15, 1933 to September 1937; Chief Engineer, October 1937 to Spring 1941
  3. Robert E. Shields, District Engineer, August 14, 1967 to November 1973
  4. Harry D. Reilich, District Engineer, January 4, 1974 to December 30, 1981
  5. Daniel E. Mohn, District Engineer, March 12, 1982 to December 28, 1994
  6. Mervin C. Giacomini, District Engineer, December 29, 1994 to December 30, 2000
  7. Denis J. Mulligan, District Engineer, March 1, 2001 to September 1, 2010
  8. Ewa Z. Bauer-Furbush, November 19, 2010 to July 8, 2024

Additionally, the following engineers were Consulting Engineers for the District between 1932 and 1969:

  1. Clifford E. Paine, Principal Assistant Engineer, 1932 to 1938; Consulting Engineer, 1941 to his death in July 1983
  2. Leon H. Nishkian, Consulting Engineer (part-time), July 18, 1941 to his death June 2, 1947
  3. John G. Little, Consulting Engineer (part-time), 1947 to 1953
  4. Arthur C. Jenkins, Consulting Traffic Engineer (part-time),1962 to March 1964; Engineer (full-time), April 1, 1964 to June 30, 1967; Consulting Traffic Engineer (part-time),1968 to 1969

Past General Managers

  1. Alan K. MacDonald, April 10, 1929 to December 28, 1932
  2. James Reed, January 18, 1933 to August 31, 1937
  3. William W. Felt, Jr., September 1 to 30, 1937
  4. William H. Harrelson, October 1, 1937 to May 8, 1942
  5. James E. Rickets, May 22, 1942 to June 30, 1954
  6. James Adams, July 1, 1954 to July 31, 1968
  7. Dale W. Luehring, August 1, 1968 to December 28, 1984
  8. Carney J. Campion, December 29, 1984 to March 31, 1999
  9. Celia G. Kupersmith, April 8, 1999 to September 1, 2010

Past Auditors/Controllers

  1. Roy S. West, Auditor when Bridge opened in 1937 to sometime in FY 1940/1941
  2. Charles D. Hudson is listed as Auditor commencing in FY 1941/1942
  3. Margaret Wagner is listed as Acting Auditor in FY 1959/1960
  4. Lee F. Lynch is listed as Auditor commencing in FY 1960/1961
  5. Margaret Wagner is listed as Acting Auditor in FY 1962/1963
  6. Gordon E. Dahlgren served as Auditor from 2/3/1964 to 5/18/1972
  7. Robert D. Tough is listed as Auditor commencing in FY 1972/1973
  8. John J. Quigley is listed as Auditor commencing in FY 1987/1988 through to sometime in FY 1999/2000
  9. Joseph M. Wire, December 30, 2000 to December 31, 2024

Past District Secretaries

  1. David A. Barry, January 23, 1929 to March 12, 1929
  2. W.W. Felt, Jr., March 13, 1929 to April 30, 1945
  3. Ruth Dow, July 13, 1945 to April 12, 1956
  4. Helen Jack, August 10, 1956 to December 20, 1971
  5. Peter D. Clainos, January 14, 1972 to November 30, 1975
  6. Carney J. Campion, December 1, 1975 to December 28, 1984
  7. Gene P. Rexrode, February 22, 1985 to FY 1997/1998
  8. Janet S. Tarantino, FY 1997/1998 to January 2, 2014

Past Attorneys for the District

  1. George Harlan, Attorney when the Bridge opened in 1937 to sometime in FY 1937/1938
  2. John L. McNab, listed as Attorney in FY 1938/1939; he died March 17, 1950
  3. F.M. McAuliffe, listed as becoming Attorney June 1, 1950 to sometime in FY 1956/1957
  4. Jerome B. White, listed as Attorney commencing in FY 1957/1958
  5. Thomas M. Jenkins, listed as Attorney commencing in FY 1970/1971 through to sometime in FY 1975/1976
  6. David J. Miller, 1976 to 2014

Past Deputy General Managers

Past Bridge Division Managers

  1. Harry D. Reilich, September 1972 to November 1973
  2. Robert A. Warren, January 11, 1974 to December 31, 1998
  3. Kary Witt, June 27, 1990 to April 8, 2017
  4. Steve Miller, August 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021

Past Bus Transit Division Managers

  1. H. Donald White, July 16, 1970
  2. Wayne Diggs
  3. Susan C. Chiaroni
  4. Teri Mantony
  5. Mona Babauta

Past Ferry Division Managers (start dates shown)

  1. H. Donald White, July 16, 1970
  2. Stanley M. Kowleski, July 1971
  3. Eric A. Robinson, May 16, 1984
  4. Carl D. Harrington, December 1997
  5. David Clark, February 8, 2000
  6. James Swindler, October 26, 2003

Past Administration Division Managers

  1. Teri Mantony
  2. Z. Wayne Johnson
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