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Service Alerts!
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Within Golden Gate

Transfers may be made within the Golden Gate Transit and Ferry system and between other Bay Area transit operators.

Transfers may be used up to three times within a two-hour period if traveling within one county or within three hours if traveling between counties. Your transfer can be used to complete a one-way trip or a round trip within a single county.

Paper transfers are issued to customers paying with cash; Clipper automatically tracks transfers on your account.

Transferring between Golden Gate Transit buses

Paper transfers are issued to cash-paying customers only at the time the fare is paid. When boarding, advise driver of your destination and intention to transfer to another bus. Transfers are based on fare and ultimate destination. With Clipper (card or mobile), simply tag on and off each bus.

Transferring from Golden Gate Ferry to Golden Gate Transit

Transfers are automatically issued to Clipper users only; there are no transfers for cash-paying customers. With Clipper (card or mobile), tag on when entering the Ferry Terminal, and then tag on and tag off when boarding/getting off the bus. 

Transferring from Golden Gate Transit to Golden Gate Ferry

Transfers are automatically issued to Clipper users only; there are no transfers for cash-paying customers. With Clipper (card or mobile), simply tag on and tag off the bus and then tag on again when entering the Ferry Terminal faregate. 

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