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Paying Your Fare

All riders need to pay their bus fare when riding Golden Gate Transit. We accept cash, Clipper, and passes when riding within Marin County. 


When boarding the bus, tell the driver your final destination so the appropriate fare can be charged. Exact change is suggested as drivers do not give change. If you do not have exact change and are due more than $1 in change, you will be issued a Change Card that can be used on future bus rides.

Read more about using Cash or a Change Card on Golden Gate Transit. 


Clipper is the easy and convenient all-in-one transit account (card or mobile app) useable on all Bay Area transit agencies, including Golden Gate Transit and Golden Gate Ferry. 

To use Clipper on Golden Gate Transit, locate the card reader at the front or rear of the bus and "tag" your card or smart phone by holding it flat against the Clipper logo on the reader. Remember to "tag off" when exiting the bus too to ensure you are charged the correct fare.

For more information, visit our Clipper page.

Passes & Transfers

Marin Transit offers day and monthly passes for unlimited rides when riding Golden Gate Transit or Marin Transit buses within Marin County. Passes are available for adults, youth, and seniors/persons with disabilities. Marin Transit also offers a youth pass.

For more information, visit our Passes & Transfers page.


For more information about paying your bus fare, visit our customer service center located at the San Rafael Transit Center (850 Tamalpais Avenue) or call toll-free at 511 (say “Golden Gate Transit,” then “operator” to bypass recorded messages)/TDD 711.

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