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Service Alerts!


Park Smart at the GGB

Avoid Vehicle Theft at the Bridge

Park Smart

The San Francisco Bay Area, including the parking lots near the Golden Gate Bridge, continues to see high levels of property theft from vehicles. In a nearly two-year period between January 2018 and April 2020, San Francisco saw tens of thousands of auto burglaries.

We are asking for your assistance to curb vehicle burglaries. Parking is extremely limited at the Golden Gate Bridge! Please consider taking public transit or a rideshare when visiting the Golden Gate Bridge - this removes the temptation of would-be thieves. Visit our Public Transit page for schedules and maps. 

If you must drive your car to the Bridge, please follow these tips to ensure a safe visit:

  • Don't leave valuables in your vehicle—keep your belongings and luggage at home or keep them with you. 
  • Move items you cannot bring with you to the trunk or glove box of your car before you arrive. Thieves watch for people moving their valuables in parking lots. 
  • Always lock your vehicle, even if you only step away from it for a moment.
  • Roll up your windows all the way.

Call 911 to report an emergency or call the Golden Gate Bridge Patrol Department at 415-923-2220 to report any suspicious activity at the Bridge or surrounding parking lots. Your report could save the next visitor from being a victim of crime.

If your vehicle is burglarized in a Golden Gate Bridge parking lot and you need a copy of your Incident Report, please contact the appropriate agency:

  • United States Park Police (USPP): Call the Records Division at 415-561-5102.  
  • California Highway Patrol (CHP): Call the Marin Office at 415-924-1100.
  • National Park Service (NPS) online request form

To obtain copies of records from the Incident Management Analysis and Reporting System (IMARS) as a Privacy Act "routine use," requester must complete the Certification of Identity and Consent Form 10-945, and sign, date, and return the completed form. This applies to USPP and NPS only.

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