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Final Design & Budget

Final Design

Moveable Median Barrier

On October 26, 2012, the Board of Directors approved proceeding with the final design and preparation of the construction bid documents for installation of a Moveable Median Barrier. The Board also authorized the filing of a Notice of Exemption based upon the environmental studies finding the project to be exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The resulting reports are available below:

  1. December 2014: Transportation Management Plan
  2. January 2014: Final Environmental Site Assessment and Limited Site Investigation
  3. February 2013: Traffic Engineering and Analysis Report
  4. February 2013: Traffic Engineering and Analysis Report Appendix
  5. December 3, 2012: NEPA Clearance from Caltrans
  6. November 20, 2012: Notice Exemption San Francisco County
  7. November 20, 2012: Notice Exemption Marin County
  8. January 2012: Section 4(f) DE MINIMIS FINDING
  9. January 2012: Visual Impact Assessment
  10. October 2011: Finding of Effect
  11.  December 2011: Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impact)


The Moveable Median Barrier (MMB) system includes about 13,340 feet of barrier consisting of 12-inch wide and 32-inch high steel clad units filled with high density concrete tightly pinned together to form a semi-rigid median barrier. The system also includes two barrier transfer machines, aka “zipper” trucks. The installation of the one-foot wide MMB would virtually eliminate crossover collisions.

The project budget is estimated at $30.3 million with funding coming from three sources: $20 million (66%) from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission via the State of California; $1,379,200 (5%) in federal funds; and $5,120,800 (19%) from Golden Gate Bridge toll revenues.

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