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Service Alerts!
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Bridge Maintenance

The caretakers of the Golden Gate Bridge include engineers and architects who had a vision to create such an incredible landmark, rugged individuals who built this one-of-a kind masterpiece, and skilled crafts people and engineers who have cared for the Bridge since opening day in 1937. This revered and rugged group of workers battle wind, sea air and fog, often suspended high above the Golden Gate Strait, to repair corroding steel. Visit our You Tube channel to get a glimpse of What We Do!

Ironworkers replace corroding steel and rivets, make small fabrications for use on the Bridge, and assist painters with their rigging. Ironworkers also remove plates and bars to provide access for painters to the interiors of the columns and chords that make up the Bridge. 

Painters prepare all Bridge surfaces and repaint corroded areas. For more about painting the Golden Gate Bridge, visit our Painting the Bridge page.

Operating engineers and mechanics ensure that all equipment and vehicles are in good repair. 

Electricians maintain toll equipment and all electrical components of the Bridge, and operate the fog horns. 

Communications technicians ensure that radio communications are always operational.

The Streets and Grounds team keeps the surrounding areas of the Bridge in proper repair and attractive for the over 10 million visitors each year.

Laneworkers assist Roadway Service Operators by configuring yellow roadway cones for various lane configurations.

Roadway Service Technicians assist disabled vehicles on the Bridge and its approaches, respond to all vehicle accidents and vehicle fires, and operate the Barrier Machine to ensure the Bridge is in the proper configuration for morning and afternoon commutes.

Service operators assist disabled vehicles on the Bridge and its approaches. Tow service trucks are on site 24-hours a day, ready to respond to any emergency.

The Bridge Captain oversees the activities of the toll office and roadway operations, coordinating an around-the-clock workforce to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. There have been 10 Bridge Captains since the Bridge opened in 1937.

Bridge Sergeants and Bridge Lieutenants respond to inquiries, accidents, and emergencies. In fact, to date, two babies have been born at the toll plaza! A team of Bridge Patrol Officers, who also report to the Bridge captain, are responsible for Bridge security.

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