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ARCHIVED New Early Morning Weekend Ferry Trips


Golden Gate Ferry is pleased to announce new, earlier weekend morning trips between San Francisco and Larkspur offering you the flexibility to enjoy an all-day getaway! The earliest trip to San Francisco departs at 7:50 am, and you have until 7:15 pm to get on the last boat back to Larkspur. On the flip side, you can get on a ferry as early as 8:30 am out of San Francisco and enjoy the North Bay at your leisure with the last boat back to the City leaving at 6:05 pm. 

In total, there are 8 new weekend trips and 4 new weekday trips between Larkspur and the San Francisco Ferry Terminal. In addition to the added leisure time to your weekends, you can breathe in that early morning sea air and catch the twinkling lights over the Bay on your way home - a win win! Check new schedules below.

Whatever direction you're heading, there are now more convenient connections between Golden Gate Ferry and SMART so you can leave the car behind. Sail and Rail to North Bay festivals, holiday events, local hot spots, and family-friendly destinations within walking distance of train stations. See the full list of connections here, and don't forget to take advantage of the $12 Sail & Rail fares!

Take a peek at the new schedules below!

(effective October 2, 2023)
*all Larkspur ferries depart from Gate C at San Francisco Ferry Terminal 

Depart Larkspur Arrive San Francisco Depart San Francisco GATE C Arrive Larkspur
6:45 am 7:15 am 7:20 am 7:50 am
7:20 am 7:50 am 8:00 am 8:30 am
8:00 am 8:30 am 8:40 am 9:10 am
8:50 am 9:20 am 9:30 am 10:00 am
9:25 am 9:55 am 10:05 am 10:35 am
10:05 am 10:35 am 10:45 am 11:15 am
11:20 am 11:50 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm
12:40 pm 1:10 pm 1:20 pm 1:50pm
2:00 pm  2:30 pm  2:40 pm  3:10 pm 
2:40 pm 3:10 pm 3:20 pm 3:50 pm
3:20 pm 3:50 pm 4:00 pm  4:30 pm 
4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:40 pm 5:10 pm
4:40 pm  5:10 pm  5:25 pm  5:55 pm 
5:20 pm 5:50 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm
6:05 pm  6:35 pm  6:45 pm 7:15 pm
7:20 pm 7:50 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm

(effective October 2, 2023)
*all Larkspur ferries depart from Gate C at San Francisco Ferry Terminal 

Depart Larkspur Arrive San Francisco Depart San Francisco  Arrive Larkspur
7:50 am  8:20 am 8:30 am 9:00 am
9:00 am 10:00 am - -
10:00 am 10:30 am 10:40 am  11:10 am
10:30** am 11:30 am - -
11:20 am 11:50 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm
1:10pm 1:40 pm 1:50 pm 2:20 pm
2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm
- - 4:30 pm 5:30 pm
4:25 pm 4:55 pm 5:05 pm 5:35 pm
- - 5:45** pm 6:45 pm
6:05* pm  7:05 pm 7:15 pm 8:15 pm

**this trip is over 1 hour crossing time

Follow Golden Gate Ferry on Twitter @goldengateferry, Instagram @goldengateferry and Facebook @goldengateferry

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For trip-planning assistance, visit our Ferry Schedules & Maps page or call 511/415-455-2000 (say "Golden Gate Transit," then "operator" to bypass recorded messages)/TDD 711. Customer service representatives are available weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

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