Permits are required to use property owned and operated by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District). The District’s Master Ordinance includes reference to certain activities occurring on District property for which a permit is required for the use of District property.
Choose one of the subsections below for more information.
- Special Event Permits: Defines special events and includes information about the permitting process for holding a special event on property owned and operated by the District, including Golden Gate Bridge sidewalks and Golden Gate Ferry terminals. An online form is available to provide contact information and basic event details.
- Filming & Photography Permits: Includes details on the permitting process for filming and photography activities conducted on District property and provides details of and contact information for property near the Golden Gate Bridge but owned by other jurisdictions. An online form is available to provide contact information and basic filming details. Finally, this page provides information about drones which are banned from flying over or near District property, including the Golden Gate Bridge, due to safety and security risks.
- Expressive Activity Permits: Defines expressive activities and provides provisions of these activities as they pertain to the use of District property, including locations and permit process.